The holidays can be challenging especially this year in quarantine as they can bring up feelings of loneliness, old emotional wounds and comparison. For some, there are gifting obligations, travel goals and socially-distanced family time. This season can trigger stress and result in toxic behaviors, like binge eating that cheese and extra booze. No time like the present to implement mindful joy holidays.

As you immerse yourself in the holidays, look at it as an opportunity to connect, relax, learn, and to release some of things that may have been holding you back from being merry! Here are 6 tips for maximize your holiday joy!

1. Plan Ahead

Keep your calendar updated with all the festivities you plan to attend, but also block off some “white space” time for creativity and self care. I usually limit myself to two Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving events and three winter holiday parties but this year virtual events take up the space and for me take up more energy! Start making a list of all the people you want to buy gifts for, or even just a card if gifting isn’t your thing. Identify what outfits you have in your closet that can work for each occasion too, and keep a mental note for when those outings come along.

mindful holiday tips

2.Put your phone away

I know it can feel like a 5th limb sometimes but your phone is robbing you of being present and experiencing things around you. Don’t zone out on your phone this seasons. This extra times with loved ones is a gift. Listen to what they have to say and make eye contact when someone is speaking. Encourage everyone to put their phones away and see how much more fun you have!

3. Talk about things that matter

If you are anything like me, your family lives in different places and we don’t all get to be around each other that often. So when we are, I look at it as an opportunity to really catch up and connect. Take this opportunity to ask the people you love about how they are doing, what they may be struggling with and what goals they need support on reaching. 

4. Drink Mindfully (Say What?!)

2020 has been a year of drinking from home and the holidays are no different. If you are drinking, make sure to eat some protein before you booze and drink plenty of water with lemon. Pace yourself and drink plenty of water in between drinks and before bed.

It’s also helpful to take vitamins and electrolytes before bed after drinking. Vitamin B and C are great alone, but I’ve found that Morning Recovery is the best hangover hack, that blends electrolytes, vitamins and dihydromyricetin (DHM) which accelerates the break-down of alcohol so that your liver can detox more easily as you sleep.

surviving the holidays in LA

5. Avoid negative topics 

We can probably all agree on the fact that there are a lot of negative things happening in the world. There are also a lot of positive things happening too. Avoid topics that will put you and your loved ones in a bad mood such as politics, natural disasters and gossip. Instead of focusing on the problem, see if you can band together and come up with a solution.

So as you go into this holiday season, look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn, and to release some of things that may have been holding you back this year.

6. Reflect on the Year

Take a moment (or two) to pat yourself on the back for all that you’ve accomplished this year. Write down all the things you are proud of having done, ways in which you have grown as a person, the people you want to thank in your life, and the things you want to manifest for 2021. Check out my Style Your Life Planner 2021 to help you reflect and plan for the new year!

holiday survival tips for bliss


Be mindful with this time as it only comes once a year! If holidays bring up negative emotions – that is okay too. You can change them by starting to create new memories today!


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